Friday, March 25, 2011


It appears that the weather is going to take a crazy turn and become winter again.  Saturday Night-Sunday will be the pinpointed time period for the snow part of the storm.  During this time there will be the potential for 1-3" of snow and locally more up to 5".  I have created some maps for you to look at and get an idea of what I'm thinking meshed together with what other meteorologist are thinking.  

I do think there is a need for a storm index.  Most people won't be expecting snow because of the 60° days we have been seeing.  Just remember when the temperature changes so does the weather pattern.

Here's your 5 Day Forecast, It's an interesting looking forecast.....cold to snow to sun to rain!!! UGH!!

Here's the storm track for the given ahead pattern.

I think that the storm does have the potential to strengthen which would allow for more snow accumulations......4-5" will probably be the max this storm will create.  

I will update as needed!

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